With Dread and Foreboding
So, how do I regard Election Day, looming up in two weeks? With dread and foreboding, to be absolutely frank – no matter who is declared victorious. It’s absolutely guaranteed that all flaming hell...
View ArticleSeth Barrett Tillman: “In Remembrance of P.J. O’Rourke: Let’s Make a List”
You’re going to need a bigger list! Seth brings it. Worth reading as usual.
View ArticleInvestigations To-Do List
Regarding my previous post, I want J6 investigations to determine the numbers that engaged in the following: Attacked the defensive perimeter between the Capitol grounds and the area of the permitted...
View ArticleJoe Awards Some Medals
Joe Biden seems to corrupt, if not destroy, everything he touches. However, with the recent announcement of Presidential Medal of Freedom awardees he might have done some good. I don’t care for the...
View ArticleDo Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
One of the many benefits of growing older is that when people tell you a self-serving lie about the past, you can call them on it by reminding them that you lived through that part of history. A case...
View ArticleThe Lawless Actions of Lloyd Austin
As the Biden administration closes up shop, the scandals keep coming. The following, regarding Lloyd Austin, might seem like small potatoes but that’s only in comparison to all of the rest, and speaks...
View ArticleThe Conspiracy of the Trump Prosecutions
Yet another thing here in the dying days of the Biden administration. There has been a lot of ink spilled over the past few years regarding the Biden administration’s unprecedented lawfare campaign...
View ArticleBiden, Scandals, and His Place in History: A First Look
I was going to write a post a few days ago regarding the historical legacy of the Biden administration, but I had a sense that the scoundrel wasn’t quite done yet and so I held off. With the news this...
View ArticleRandom Thoughts (8): Pardon My Color Revolution
One It’s been a long time since I had as much fun as I did yesterday. From about 11:58 AM, when J.D. Vance took the oath of office, to 9:00 PM or so when I called it a night to the sounds of wailing...
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